One site caught my eye last night when I was searching the net for a proof that Darren Criss really is half-Filipino. (Yes, I admit, how pathetically groupie of me.) Anyway, it's a post on basically asking the question on why Darren Criss (Kurt's openly gay new friend, Blaine) was picked up to be a regular on the hit-TV series Glee, while Charice (foreign exchange student Sunshine Corazon) was not.
It's no secret that Glee is now one of the most popular and powerful shows in TV that even aging pop stars and Hollywood actresses such as Britney Spears and Gweneth Paltrow did not turn down the chance to guest star on the show to boost their otherwise lackluster present careers. One guest starring role, even for just a single episode, can transform an unknown artist to an internationally famous idol. Whether this trend will continue in the years to come or not, one can only guess, but as of this moment, let's just say almost everyone is in agreement that Glee is indeed a fast-forward track to stardom.
Enter Charice and Darren Criss. Both have guest starred for at least an episode and has garnered rave reviews for their respective performances and thousands of iTunes downloads for the songs that they have covered. Now, lately, it has been confirmed that Darren Criss has indeed been signed up as a regular cast of Glee for the rest of Season 2 and even Season 3. Which made a few wonder, including this site, what exactly does he have that she doesn't?
Read the comments below the article and be prepared for a barrage of Argumentum Ad Hominems that will bewilder even the people who know just the most basic of logic and debate strategies.(Just saying.)
Going back to the point, here are MY personal views on the matter: (Hold the flames, Charice fans. Read, digest and meditate before you spew.)
5. Commendable Acting Skill
If you have read the comments on the site above, you may have read a heated debate on the direct proportionality of acting prowess to an actor's native language. Which I honestly think is crap, but even if Charice did not perform as well on Glee because she did not grow up speaking English as primary means of communication, one could not deny the fact that Darren Criss did study Theater Arts in college, starred in a variety of productions, TV guestings and thus have more experience in acting. Charice may develop her acting chops in the future, but as of today, she still needs more work.
Sunshine Corazon may be an interesting character as the audience gets to see Rachel Berry come to grips with the unbelievable fact that someone can actually sing just as good or maybe even better than her. The infamous Telephone bathroom scene will remain as one of the most amusing scenes of Season 2. However, Blaine is turning out to be an important individual in Kurt's life and can be a catalyst for more character development and future storylines. Plus, let's not deny the fact that Ryan Murphy wants to keep the femme fatale spotlight on his dearest Lea Michelle.
3. A Penis
Yes, a penis, and there is nothing Charice can do about that unless she goes to her godmother Vicky Belo for a consultation. The majority of Glee viewers are female, most likely to swoon and melt into a puddle by Darren Criss' charm than by Charice's high notes, giving Glee more appeal to the sex demographic that it is most likely after. And yes, let's admit it, most females see Darren Criss as sex appeal on legs.
2. Age-Bracket-Perfect, Non-Rabid Fans

Here's what I've been saying all along originating form the first post I did saying that I am waiting for Charice to explore and exert more effort to expand her musicality for she is still not the Perfect Music Diva everyone of her rabid fans is so keen on insisting that she is. There is still, and always, going to be room for improvement. I'm not saying that Darren Criss is the epitome of music artistry but he does write, compose, plays (the violin, piano, guitar and drums) and performs his OWN songs. I for one is less awed by singers who just mimics another's voice and style. I think people nowadays appreciate raw, jack-of-all-trades talent more than the usual can-sing-high-notes routine. Charice surely has a great voice but it would be better for her to tap into other forms of artistry and not be caged into this bubble way behind its time.
Whether Charice will follow Darren's contract signing in the months to come or will she even need it at all, (She might actually explode into Superstardom without Glee, who knows?) I don't really care, but here are some of the things I am hoping for:
1. That the Filipino fan base of Charice stop harassing everyone who doesn't like her as an artist. We all have our tastes. Please respect. The fact that Charice is a Filipino does not mean that it's MANDATORY that ALL Filipinos be a fan of her. That is just absolutely ridiculous.
2. If you are going to comment on this post, please google first Argumentum Ad Hominem before typing. Avoid it. Never ever again use it especially on online debates. It just makes you look stupid. And yes, comments like "You're just jealous!", "You can't sing as good as she does!" etc. etc. is part of that fallacy.
If you have made it until the end of this article, I thank and admire you. I've just realized that this is one freakishly long post. I apologize for any headache or eye strain reading this might have caused you. May God bless the Philippines. And Glee. Here's a toast for the fans.
Yeah right, but the fact still remains, CHarice is a global Icon. and while youre writing here about this 5 things dadadadada, Charice is giving not just entertainment but also pride to the Philippines
you did not do your research about charice.. i dont agree with your about "Being Talented in Almost Every Aspect of Music and Theater"..
to the writer of this, i really dont care who u are patronizing,i dont care if an artist has all the talents in the world can write music or play all music intruments or acting or sing or have all the looks as u are saying here,i dont buy all what u are selling for ur idol. i am really admiring charice whatever she looks like or whatever she have as she is, i dont demand more from her what else she can do some exhibitions to please u or others, but her voice just touch my heart and brain, that other beautiful artists singers have even they can act the best in the world that dont count on me liking charice, even she dont get the regular bite on that Gless it dont matter , it will not lessen my admiration on her, sorry to disappoint u. this admiring a person dont come daily in my life.but charice really heartstruck me, never been obssessed like this. i will still and forever be a chaster.
@Anonymous #1: Hmm, the global icon status is still up for debate. She is something to be proud of admittedly.
@Anonymous #2: What did I say about personal insults?
@Agno: I appreciate artists who creates their own material rather than those who just performs something written and composed by someone else. That's just me.
@anita: FYI, Darren is not my idol, I just appreciate his talent more. I think you've misinterpreted this post. I am not trying to convert Charice fans into anything else (that would be ridiculously impossible btw), just stating my opinions. Good for you if Charice touched your heart and soul. I have nothing against that.
This is pointless. Well Darren has the Filipino Blood.
i loled @ no. 3 PENIS i guess your not enjoying the show your just enjoying Mens PENIS their.
IM Proud of charice and proud of darren they are both filipino (darren half)and talented.
@Anonymous #3: Never occurred to me before to compare them either but the article from and the heated debates thereafter compelled me to write this. No.3 PENIS is a metaphor for being male, not the ACTUAL ORGAN itself. I really hope you did not misinterpret that. Lol.
Yep, they both have Filipino blood. That's why I wonder why Charice fans are so intense yet again. I'm not a fan (not a hater either) but there are some well-meant compliments in there and yet they're still angry for some reason.
i appreciate the point of the author..
but being harsh on some points you have on your article is the one that hurt my feelings..
go on and review you're article.. :'(
you're hurting others..
just spread LOVE and PEACE pls..
@black_elixir: Please cite where exactly I hurt others' feelings. Maybe I can explain it better.
oh well, i'll just have to wait for charice's superstardom to explode (slowly but surely)... "patience is virtue"... crossing my fingers... :)
i understand your points and agreed almost of it.. it's just that this article may cause another rubbish comments..
some people may misinterpret this(you can't blame them) coz they are on the state of overprotecting..
and the solution is to delete or remove this article..
i hope you understand me also..
@black_elixir: The 'rubbish' comments that may be thrown at me and this post are not my responsibility to prevent. It is the commenter's job to make sure that he/she does not choose words that will paint a bad picture of his/herself.
I've made this entry as constructive and neutral as possible. If there's one thing Charice fans should learn to accept and handle is their idol being criticized. Even the most popular person cannot please everyone.
@Anonymous #2 and friends: Reread your posts and think of what they say about you.
Actually, I have something good to say, just not things you wanted to hear (/read).
here's what i'm saying..
hays.. i'm so disappointed on some of my fellow chasters.. they should learn how to control their feelings, esp. on others article that shows own opinions..
please delete it now..
and by the way.. i want to correct you.. charice can also play guitar and piano.. i have watched her played it.. :) i don't know if she can play other instruments.. thats how far i know.
@black_elixir: Sorry, cannot do that. I too am ashamed of these people who don't know proper online etiquette and I appreciate your stand and concern. Maybe, from the inside, you can educate other fans so that instances like these will be prevented.
Let them know they are doing more harm than good to their beloved hero. I've seen more than a few people who were driven away from liking Charice because of the ferocity of some of the fans. And given that most fans are Filipinos themselves, that certainly does not paint a good picture of our fellow citizens.
As for the instrument playing, if that is true then good for her. I certainly look forward to the day where she'll be onstage with an instrument at hand, maybe even to sing a song that she herself has written.
i know that you are a kind-hearted one..
hays.. i pray that no more out-of-the-line comments will come here.
you know what.. i wish i can control mind of others, to control the emotions of other people knowing that it can cause harm. but i know this can't happen..
about that instruments/composition thing.. i am also looking forward for charice to widen her learnings about it, i know one of her song that she co-wrote.. the title is "reset"..
i admit that i am a chaster(charice fan) but i know what's the dos and don'ts..
spread LOVE and PEACE.. :)
Dear Clarriscent
Fingertips are mightier than the pen nowadays, and even became a double-headed sword. In the age of freedom, and the internet phenomenon, information is uncontrollable.
Actually I like your comments. I only hate the one who came up with this idea (the writer in examiner) who instilled wasteful time on other people (not to mention media hype). We CANNOT compare Darren and Charice, including all artists worldwide. How about "what Charice have and Darren don't have?" I don't care either. He may own round 1 but wait til the succeeding ones for Charice? This will only create unnecessary flames among Charice fans or erstwhile Darren fans.
Lastly, I suggest that in the future, bloggers like you, be more proactive. Instead of becoming half-truths in the long run, better go outside of your room, take some fresh air and talk to the person directly to get to the point of what you think and feel is right for him/her. NOT just by the tip of your fingers; got carried away and entangled in the world wide web.
To the writer: This particular write up is a reflection of your rotten upbringing. If I may say so, you are a sociopath that needs immediate psychiatric intervention or maybe you have been possessed by the devil himself so exorcism is definitely in order! Happy Thanksgiving!
Wow, Clarriscent. I come to your blog because I am a fellow newbie nurse and I enjoy ALL your posts and your insights even if they are non-career related. You are a great writer despite what some people say.
I am proud of Charise y'all. Who wouldn't since she is a very talented lady and she brings Filipino pride! But to the fans, learn to respect the opinions of others. Don't trash them.
Here's a thought, the fans actions may reflect on their idols image.
Remember, to each her/his own.
@black_elixir: You are one of the few of Charice fans that she can definitely be proud of. Thank you for your levelheaded comments and respect for other people's opinion. You certainly know how to carry yourself well online despite the circumstances, I applaud you. Cheers!
Thank you for liking my comments. Although I don't quite get what you mean by your last paragraph. I'm as opinionated in person as I am online. If I am to meet any of the fans in person (those who throw vulgarity at everyone who don't think the way they do), I would say in their face that what they are doing is wrong and they are slowly beginning to be a source of embarrassment to the country.
If, by unbelievable chance, I am to meet Charice herself, I would say that I think she has a great voice but that she has to make sure to expand her musical knowledge and artistry and not be just a puppet of middle-aged composers and multi-billionaires.
See, I haven't had (and probably will never have) those kind of opportunities that's why here in the freedom of the world wide web, I share to everyone my views and opinions. I proof-read every post I do making sure that there are no below-the-belt comments and otherwise demeaning insults. Now it's up to the world what to make of it.
To Anonymous #.. I lost count:
We sociopaths in need of immediate psychiatric intervention do not celebrate Thanksgiving but thanks anyways. Merry Christmas! :)
@ C:
Wow, thank you for such heartwarming compliments and for reading many of my posts. I promise to write more nursing related stuff as I originally created this blog for my newly sworn colleagues. You are right, the fans actions DO reflect on their idol's image. I've said that so many times but no one seems to be listening. Thanks again and good luck to your career! :)
wow. very animated commentators eh? (i just hope they wont stay anonymous for fairness' sake ;) )
anyway, Charice is undoubtedly talented and has a ton of potential (I mean, Oprah can't get wrong right?) But as I read more articles about Darren, he is much more of a "complete artist" that can really act. Plus, AMERICAN viewers of GLEE responded to his performance in a better way (Im not really sure of the ratings of their own guesting episodes) But, I guess it really is easy to see why Darren became a regular. Relax guys, there is still a chance for Charice to make it through Hollywood.
@manik_reigun: I know! I sort of expected a heated debate to brew (since this is yet another post about Charice) but it's still unsettling at times to find so many irrational reactions and derogatory remarks being flung at the article (and at me) for something as simple as Glee castings.
Yes, Darren is much more of a complete artist, I agree. He can act well and blend with the other cast members and their characters quite seamlessly. It's really not that surprising that he was picked up to be a regular on the show. But of course, all of that does not mean that Charice is a worthless, forgettable artist. Quite the contrary, I think she has a bright future ahead.
Everybody needs to take a chill pill. Reread the article and read beyond the metaphors. This certainly is not an anti-Charice article, hence, there really is no basis for the hate and the curses. I think one of the reasons the comments are like what they are is because MOST PEOPLE JUST READ THE SENTENCES IN BOLD, make up their minds and fire away.
Charice do sing her own songs. And her new album is only her songs. So you can check that hehe. The acting skills i think charice is incredible, she have known english for so little time. Still she's very good.
I'm a chaster and i agree the most of this :)
She aint PERFECT no one can but she's very close .
well, i think you forgot one thing.. that perhaps, charice and her management dont want her to be a regular of glee. i dont think she can commit with their long hours taping and not to mention that she's with warner music.. a rival of sony music?
i think most of glee cast will be associated with the show forever and it would be hard for them for them to pursue other things later once glee run is over... while charice will do just fine.. with or without glee.
one thing ive noticed as well.. people tend not to like a threat.. specially to the most popular cast of show... as compared to a potential love/partner of the most liked character of the show.. that alone is enough factor for blaine to be easily accepted and liked by gleeks compared to sunshine.
Darren has all the time in the world.
Charice doesn't.
If, by unbelievable chance, I am to meet Charice herself, I would say that I think she has a great voice but that she has to make sure to expand her musical knowledge and artistry and not be just a puppet of middle-aged composers and multi-billionaires.
- so you call Charice a puppet? OMG! I'm sensing something here. You're pathetic.
Or why not compare Chord and Darren? Chord is still a guest star. They both have penises.
would be interesting to see/watch an entertainment tonigh episode about glee: where are they now?? 5-10 years from now.. lol
charice has to work harder than most since she's asian and not american, canadian or british but right now, she's doin ok though i think she deserves better..
her ride seems slow but things are looking great for her... she has great people behind her and right now, she can go to places and perform alone which i dont think glee cast can do except for lea.
Charice do sing her own songs. And her new album is only her songs. So you can check that hehe. The acting skills i think charice is incredible, she have known english for so little time. Still she's very good.
I'm a chaster and i agree the most of this :)
She aint PERFECT no one can but she's very close .
I meant songs that she herself wrote. I know all the songs in her album are originally sung by her but it was not her who actually created those tracks. Like I said, I appreciate creative talents more, hence the Daren > Charice post. :)
Well, i think you forgot one thing.. that perhaps, charice and her management dont want her to be a regular of glee. i dont think she can commit with their long hours taping and not to mention that she's with warner music.. a rival of sony music?
i think most of glee cast will be associated with the show forever and it would be hard for them for them to pursue other things later once glee run is over... while charice will do just fine.. with or without glee.
one thing ive noticed as well.. people tend not to like a threat.. specially to the most popular cast of show... as compared to a potential love/partner of the most liked character of the show.. that alone is enough factor for blaine to be easily accepted and liked by gleeks compared to sunshine.
I honestly don't think that she, nor her handlers are going to refuse a show as popular as Glee if ever she was presented with the choice to be a regular on the show. That constant exposure will definitely do wonders for her career.
She can travel around the world doing concerts and stuff but nothing beats weekly instant worldwide exposure.
As of your third point, I already mentioned that on my No.4 item.
Anonymous said...
Darren has all the time in the world.
Charice doesn't.
I doubt that matters. Given that her schedule might be full up to the end of the year, her mentors are not that stupid to not think of long term goals. Being a regular on a hit TV show will ensure that she is kept in the public's eye every week until at least the 3rd season of Glee. :)
Anonymous said...
- so you call Charice a puppet? OMG! I'm sensing something here. You're pathetic.
Yes, sort of. She goes where her management tells her to go, sing what they tell her to sing, so on and so forth. But I guess I am expecting too much. She is after all just a teenager. You can't expect children to decide for themselves, especially about life-altering, game-changing decisions. I'll give her a few more years before following up on this comment.
Anonymous said...
Or why not compare Chord and Darren? Chord is still a guest star. They both have penises.
Like I said, It was not my idea to compare them in the first place. I was just ANSWERING A QUESTION posted on Reading the comments on that site made me formulate my own theories hence this article. :)
Anonymous said...
would be interesting to see/watch an entertainment tonigh episode about glee: where are they now?? 5-10 years from now.. lol
charice has to work harder than most since she's asian and not american, canadian or british but right now, she's doin ok though i think she deserves better..
her ride seems slow but things are looking great for her... she has great people behind her and right now, she can go to places and perform alone which i dont think glee cast can do except for lea.
I agree, it would be quite interesting to find out what will happen to the cast 10 years from now.
I think most people misunderstand this article. The title is roughly translated as 5 REASONS WHY DARREN CRISS WAS PICKED UP AS A REGULAR ON GLEE AND NOT CHARICE.
I also agree what you said about her ride to fame seeming slow as she is not there yet. There is many to be done and in time she might actually get there. Good news for everyone.
hi Clarriscent, I also consider myself a Charice fan but unlike the others here, I totally agree with the points you made. It's just a shame that her other fans can't accept or appreciate constructive criticism, Charice will never be able to grow as an artist if she only ever gets praises from her fans. I;m sure even she understands this. I don't see how your article was in any way disrespectful to Charice, and I just wish her fans wouldn't be so sensitive over it. Charice is still quite young so she still has time to develop her own style and to fulfill her full potential. I am hoping she's able to explore diff. musical styles, and I really would love to see her work with Bruno Mars, another pinoy (halfie) whose work is popular right now. I just find it quite sad that due to Charice's ethnicity and her looks (i.e she lacks sex appeal) she isn't as popular as other mediocre singers out there like Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and Justin Beiber. They just mostly rely on their looks i.e sex appeal, rather than on any actual talent. At least with Darren Criss, he is the real deal, who is worthy of comparison to Charice, unlike the other singers I mentioned.
Dearest Anonymous a.k.a. MIND TWIN
Wow, you read my mind. This is precisely what I was talking about and coming from a Charice fan, that means a lot.
I agree with the lack of sex appeal and its effect on her career. That was what I was saying on my first post about her (one that also got major backlash from fans probably because I included too many metaphors and satirical comments that few actually understood). In the competitive market of the entertainment industry, she needs an edge (one that I don't think she already has at the moment but can attain in the future) to get her through to the top.
I also regret that artists quite less talented than her, like those you mentioned and more, gained worldwide attention just because of big breasts and/or skimpy clothing. It is a reflection of the kind of world we are living in right now. And again, YES, Charice can and will learn a lot by listening to constructive criticisms rather than endless praise from her blinded-with-admiration fans.
Thank you for commenting! You just raised my perception of Charice fans. Kudos!
I thought this was really well written and I liked this a lot (applause) I tend to have a very short attention span, so writing an article that I can manage to read all of without getting bored is pretty difficult to do. I love Darren Criss. I think he's so talented. And to everyone hating on the writer, get a life. Also read the last sentence of the article. Charice is an amazing singer and has a very powerful voice, but I like Darren more than I like her. Darren's awesome.
@Anonymous: Wow, thank you! I try to make my articles as entertaining and sarcastic as possible. Lol. Kidding aside, I do not also get what the hate is all about. I like to believe that I have established my points without disrespect or vulgar comments to anyone. I hope some people (especially the fans) can also return that respect. Thank you for reading!
Also Darren Criss runs his own theater company and already has an album out and obviously with "A Very Potter Musical", helped created and direct a entire musical, so he has a lot of experience and a huge fan base to bring to Glee.
Precisely. :) Thanks for commenting!
did you study in the IB? the "Argumentum Ad Hominem" is learnt in TOK as a reasoning fallacy. not that this comment has anything to do with darren or charice, ahaha I was just wondering.
this anonymous is a new anonymous, so as to not confuse with the other anonymous :)
Sorry no, I did not. Haha I even had to Google what you were talking about. I like debating about things and did my research to do just that properly. Thanks for the non-argumentum ad hominem response! Lol.:)
Hahahaha what you said is quite true (the penis thing made me laugh). They are both talented but Darren is amazing musically. As an insanely obsessed Starkid fan I am a little biased... :)
Why so much hate on Darren?
*Darren shrug* Darren Doesn't Know.
He's better anyways.
Dude, I must comment or let say react to your blog, coz there are some that i'm not agree. why make an issue in the first place and why compare the two, both of them are unique and talented in their own ways, so why have you done it?? i know that you said all of this in reality but doesn't it make you stupid?? maybe your the one?? i just come to think of it, it just a waste of my time making useless argument with people like you.
I have answered your question a LOT of times in the past,it will be helpful if you read the previous comments in this thread.
I don't think that the minutes I've spent writing the article is time wasted because I was able to get my opinion to the world, regardless of the number of people who disagree with it. In all due respect, you are free to NOT read and NOT comment if you believe that it's just a waste of time. Thanks for "wasting your time" anyway. ;)
I totally agree with the points in comparing the two artists. I'm also a Filipino but I tried to be more logical and not just be swayed by what's being called "Pinoy Pride". C'mmon guys, let's not be stupid. I don't hate Charice nor idolize her but sometimes my fellow citizens are just super sensitive over some matters that makes them proud.
The author's opinion/analysis are quite factual.
THANK YOU. You read my mind. :)Not all who don't worship the ground she walks on are haters. Fans should take note of that one.
Just yesterday I was in a conversation with a friend about a related topic. I'm a big Darren Criss fan long before he went on Glee, long before I found out he's got Filipino blood. You've listed so many valid points why he's miles ahead of her especially in the talent & experience area. No doubt that Charice has great singing prowess, but Darren's been honing his talents since age 5 when he asked his mom if he could study violin.
The Anonymous before me has a point, and I agree with him/her. In many cases, our "Pinoy Pride" is sadly misplaced. I'd be a fan of Charice or Darren whether or not they're Pinoy... because I like them for their talent.
@Kat: Thank you for the comment and I agree with everything that you said. I think Darren Criss is a more "well-rounded" artist who can pretty much do everything (sing, play instruments, act, some choreography) that a show like Glee requires from its cast.
And it's true what you said. Liking an artist should be about the TALENT and ARTISTRY itself and not because of race or socio-economic status. I've seen countless talent show contestants win JUST because they come from a poor family etc. It drives me crazy. But of course that's another story. Thanks for taking the time to comment!
if you don't want charice anymore in Glee, so be it, thanks anyway, Charice has lots of reservation. Be sure Glee will click with Darren C in it.
good luck to your Glee anyway, if you don't want charice anymore. Charice has lots of invitations. She earn better than Darren C.
what i've read lately that Darren C, is trying to connect to Charice fans, because charice fans are following whereever she goes, if she dont appear in Glee so her fans.
FYI, charice has no time to be regular in glee, she's traveling anywhere, she's busy she don't perform in glee only.
good luck to your glee anyway, now, charice fans let's follow charice wherever she goes.
"The fact that Charice is a Filipino does not mean that it's MANDATORY that ALL Filipinos be a fan of her. That is just absolutely ridiculous."
My Thoughts Exactly.
Wow people are touchy ...loved the article. Very well written.
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